God Empowered
Welcome to The God Empowered Podcast: the place where Jesus, mental health, and entrepreneurship intersect to help you build an empowered life of TRUE freedom. I'm your host, Angel Marie—a life and business coach, real estate investor, and dog mama of two. Join me every week as I provide short, valuable inspiration on going from anxious and broke, to joyful and financially free. All while doing it God’s way. Prepare to get one step closer today to achieving God-empowered mental and financial freedom in your life and business. Let’s go!
God Empowered
Why you’re inconsistent in areas of your life or business and how to lean on God to help you get consistent for good!
Ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of inconsistency? One minute, you're on top of everything, and the next, it all falls apart. I've been there too! In this episode, we’re getting real about why it's so hard to stay consistent and why all the hustle in the world isn’t cutting it. But here’s the good news—God's got the answer! Tune in as we dive into how you can lean on God to finally get consistent in life, business, and everything in between. Let’s do this, together...with God leading the way.
Ready to build a burnout-free successful life and business that honors both God and your mental health? Access your FREE 7-day trial of hands-on coaching with me, digital courses, and an engaging community of other like-minded Christian Creatives: https://community.burnoutfreebiz.com/checkout/the-burnout-free-business-coaching-and-community-hub-monthly-membership
Want to watch the video version of this episode? https://youtu.be/ZKbBiSvHfCE?si=2eLT_5LxBdqzBErW
What's up friend? And welcome to another episode of the God Empowered podcast. I was not kidding during last week's episode when I said I was gonna start trying, keyword trying, to produce these episodes for you every single week. So I'm excited. I'm back with week three of that level of consistency and really looking forward to talking about Just that topic. Consistency. Why is it so difficult for you to be consistent? Why is that so hard? And how do we fix it? I want to target those two specific areas, because before we even think about talking about the solutions to things, we need to first understand the deeply rooted issue that it's coming from in the first place. That way, we're targeting the right problem, and we're attaching the right kind of solution to that problem. Okay? So, let's start off by saying this. If you are struggling with consistency, Which I'm assuming you are. That's why you're here. That's why you're listening to this episode. If you are struggling with that, I just want to give you some peace of mind that you, my friend, are not alone. Every human being struggles with consistency in some sort of way, in some area of their life. And where one person might look like they're consistent and perfect and everything is just great, going well, you don't know that behind the scenes, they just might be inconsistent with other things. They might be inconsistent in showing up for their family, spending time with their kids, taking care of themselves and what they eat how they work out, things like that. And I want to highlight that because a lot of times when we find ourselves being inconsistent, we end up getting so discouraged and so down on ourselves because we're like, man, that person looks like they're consistent. That person has a successful business. It's because they're consistent. Why can't I be that? That person looks like they have the happiest family in the world. It's because they're consistent within their role within that family. Why can't I be like that? We got to be so careful in playing that comparison game because you never know what's happening behind the scenes of the people that seem like they're consistent and everything is going well. And I just want to make that statement. Don't get so discouraged at the fact that you're struggling with inconsistency. It is normal for humans to struggle with that. However, it also should be normalized that there are solutions to it, that there are ways to get better with consistency. And the way that I truly believe is the best way is the only way is the sustainable way is God's way. What does God have to say about consistency and how can we do better at valuing consistency to the point where we are actually consistent and why does that matter to God anyway with us being consistent? So, We're going to talk about a lot, as you can see. And I just wanted to set the tone there to give you some peace of mind, to ensure that we're all on the same page. And now that we've done that, let's go ahead and first talk about why you are most likely struggling with inconsistency in some area of your life, your business, your family, yourself, your creative ambitions, whatever it is. So we're going to talk about that and then we'll go into how you can fix it. Okay? So, first thing. The reason why I think you could be struggling with inconsistency is because you're focused on the wrong thing. You. more than likely are so focused on the external results that you will get if you just learn to be consistent. External results such as financial freedom, weight loss, status. You're so focused on, if I could just get consistent, then externally I'll finally reach this. Versus focusing on the internal spiritual results that you get when you learn to be consistent results like joy and peace and confidence in what God is calling you to do satisfaction in obeying what God is calling you to do. When you focus on the wrong thing in regards to your reason for getting consistent and that being all the external results, the money, the weight loss, the status, whatever, right? When you focus on that, you are triggering your mind to be in this hustle mentality. Unintentionally or intentionally. So now you're grinding, you're working hard, you're trying to be a go getter and therefore being consistent in certain areas of your life so that you can reach those external goals. But the reason why this doesn't work a lot of times is because you burn yourself out. You didn't figure out how to be consistent sustainably. You didn't focus internally on why being consistent is actually going to change your life spiritually, internally, mentally, everything internally. And because you were focused on those external things, now you're burnt out. Now you wanna give up? Now you wanna stop being consistent because it wasn't sustainable because you were focused on the wrong thing. Now, I wanna be clear. It is okay to set external goals. It is okay to wanna reach those external achievements, but what are you prioritizing if you prioritize that consistency is going to get you those internal results of joy, peace, uh, satisfaction and obeying God's calling for you. All of these things can sustain you over time, sustain you lifelong to the point where it becomes more natural for you to be consistent in all of those habits, in all of those things that will then produce those external results. So that's the first reason why I think you might be struggling with inconsistency. You're just focused on the wrong thing. You're prioritizing the wrong thing. Second reason why I think you might be struggling with inconsistency is because you are easily influenced. If you see someone doing well, Being successful in their life, in their business. And maybe it's kind of similar to the life you want or the business that you want to build or the creative ambitions that you're chasing after you see them being successful and you play that comparison game to yourself and you feeling like you're not successful, that leads you to feeling not good enough, not worth it, not valuable. Not filled with purpose. And when you feel those negative things and you start to feed those negative things, it can cause you to get inconsistent because you were way too easily influenced by other people's path, by other people's journey. We have to be so beyond careful with this because many times we don't even realize that our mind is lusting after other people's story, chasing, desiring after other people's successes. This can cause us to step away from being focused on the unique path that God has for us and to instead stray and look to the left, the right, up, down everywhere that we can, wondering. Why not me? And when we think, why not me? We unintentionally start to separate ourselves from God because we don't understand Him. We don't understand why He wouldn't bless us, why He wouldn't give us those same successes, why it seems to be taking us longer to achieve those things. And when we stray from God, that can cause those negative feelings of not feeling good enough, not worth it, not valuable to be more consistent within us. causing us to be inconsistent in everything else around us. We have to be careful with how easily influenced we can be. When you're easily influenced. By what other people have going on their successes even their opinions or thoughts of you the perception of you It can cause fear within you. It can cause anxiety in you. It can cause depression And all of that my friend can cause you to be inconsistent In what god is calling you to do. Alright, let's go into the third reason why I think you might be struggling with consistency. You're just overloaded, my friend. You're way too busy. Your plate is too full. And you are struggling in managing all the things. When you struggle in managing all the things that are going on in your life, yourself, your family, your circumstances, it can cause you to be inconsistent in more than one area of your life because you're too burnt out by everything else, and now you don't have the capacity to be consistent in these other areas. A good example of this is if you are trying to start your own business that you feel like God is calling you to build, or write a book that you feel like God is calling you to write, start a podcast that you feel like God is calling you to start, whatever creative project that you feel called to start, but you are too overloaded with maybe a full time job, kids, family, financial restraints, circumstances that seem to be hitting you and roadblocks that are getting in the way. And now your mind doesn't have the physical or the mental capacity to even try to get consistent to start that thing. Another good example is you want to be consistent in showing up more for your family, spending more time with your family. But you're too overloaded with work, you're too overloaded with your day to day tasks. And therefore, you just don't have the capacity to be consistent in that area of your life. that's the third reason why you could be inconsistent. And just to recap, first reason why you're struggling with inconsistency could be because you are simply focused on the wrong thing. Second reason. You are easily influenced. And third reason, you are too busy. You're way too overloaded. There could be other reasons as to why you're struggling with inconsistency. I'm not denying that. But these three are ones that I want to highlight because I truly believe that many of us, if not all of us, can align or relate to one of those three buckets. So now that we're all on the same page about the deeply rooted reason why we're struggling with inconsistency, let's go ahead and attach a solution to each one so that you, my friend, can get good at being consistent. Now, you already know my approach to anything I talk about is to keep it God centered and to keep it mental health focused. So these solutions that I'm about to give, Keep God at the center and they keep you ensuring that your mental health is being prioritized throughout the process of learning to get consistent. So let's talk about it. Going back to the very first reason as to why you could be struggling with being consistent, which is the simple fact that you are focused on the wrong thing. You're focused on external results rather than focusing on internal results first. Now the solution that I would encourage you to try to implement in order to solve that inconsistency problem is to learn to focus on who God is calling you to be and what God is calling you to do. In order to focus on who God is calling you to be and what he is calling you to do, you have to Know who he wants you to be. You have to know what he's calling you to do. And the only way to kick off the process of knowing that and understanding that is taking dedicated time to study the word of God, study scripture, study what God has said time and time again about you and about what he is calling you to. Now, biblically speaking, who God calls you to be. He calls you to be so many beautiful things. He calls you to be kind, to be patient, to have self control, to treat your body like a temple, to steward your life and the things in it well. He calls you to these things. But you, my friend, have to do your research and studying up on what that means specifically for your life and what areas you need to do better in in regards to that. So from the broader spectrum of things, let's break this down. For example, If we study the word of God, we learn that God desires for us to treat our body like a temple. It is very vividly written in 1 Corinthians 6 19 to honor God with your body, to treat it like a temple. Now people correlate this specific verse with sexual immorality, right? Like, let's just be straight up with it. But although it is talking about that, It is also talking about the general sense of treating your body like a temple, treating it as holy, honoring God with your body. If God designed your unique self, your unique mind, your unique physical body, then why are you treating it Bad by not filling it with healthy foods by not taking the time to work out your body to give it the exercise that it needs when we treat our body like a temple, we are taking care of our body and it's not just for weight loss purposes or for us to feel good. Yes, all of that is great and we can achieve those, but the very first reason as to why we should treat our body like a temple is because God tells us to do so. And when we do, we are obeying God's word. We are allowing the Holy Spirit to rise up in us and take lead, getting consistent feels much more natural in every area of our life. Another example of who God calls you to be. God calls you to be faithful with the little things. In fact, these are my favorite verses. In Luke 16, 10, it says, when you are faithful with little, you can be trusted with much. And then again, in Matthew 25, 23, it says, You have been faithful with a few things, so I will put you in charge of many things. There's a theme here of good stewardship. How can you Get better at being faithful with the things that you have in your life now. Stewarding them well. Managing them well. Changing your approach, your perspective on those things to better match how God sees it. Not how you see it or not how the world sees it, but how God sees it and what he desires, how he desires for you to see it. And when you learn to be faithful with the little things, to steward the little things in your life well, it starts to develop this habit of consistency within you to the point where you create space to get consistent in every area of your life. So it's kind of funny because a lot of times we're like, Oh, why can't I just get consistent with this thing? I'm struggling. I'm so tired of being not consistent and not disciplined. Well, we need to take a few steps back and we need to evaluate your stewardship. How can you steward that thing better first so that you can then get consistent in it? And this is why I love making these podcast episodes, because I truly believe that everything is much more deeply rooted than we think. And we need to do the inner work to dig up all of those roots, understand our own selves. and learn more about how God would want us to solve these things, how God would want us to get rid of those roots so that we can be more aligned to him, more attached to him, find a more peaceful, joyful, and successful life his way. Now, we talked about some broader examples of who God calls you to be in terms of, treating your body like a temple, and faithful with the little things, aka stewardship, right? Those are more broad, where God calls everyone to that. However, It could be something more specific for you. God could be calling you to do something specifically. And I gave these examples earlier where I had said, start a business, write a book, start a podcast. It could be, anything else in regards to, Hey, I want you to be a better husband. I want you to be a better wife. It could be, I want you to do motherhood my way, not your way, things like that. Whatever you feel God is calling you to do right now, a pivot, a change, an adjustment, something to start doing, something to stop doing. You know what that is, my friend. There's something coming to mind for you right now. As I say this, whatever that is for you. You need to move on it. A lot of times, you don't realize how stuck you are, and therefore you refuse to move. But you know what God is asking of you, you know what he is calling you to do, but you won't move. And I get it, my friend. I get that you might be scared, that you don't know that next step, that maybe you feel too busy to even move. Maybe you're just waiting for that right, perfect time. I completely resonate with all of that. But let me be the one to tell you that if God is calling you to move on something, You need to move. You need to trust Him, and you need to obey. He has got you. He knows your path. He knows every step. And even though you can't see every single step ahead, trust that God can see it, and He's got you. Move! When you move, you are acting in obedience, and when you act in obedience, that creates the desire in you to want to be consistent, because you want to please God. You want to do what he wants you to do. You are looking to do life his way, not the world's way, not your way. Because let's be honest, anytime we try to do life the world's way, or our own way, What does that lead us to? It leads us to depression. It leads us to never ending anxious thoughts. It leads us to never feeling fulfilled. It leads to brokenness, it leads to things not working, but when we trust God and do life his way by being obedient in what he's calling us to do specifically in our individual lives, that will create this beautiful consistency within you to the point where you have this natural desire, this natural inclination to show up consistently in more areas in your life. So powerful, so powerful. All right, let's move on to the second thing. The second reason I brought up why you might be struggling with being consistent is because you're easily influenced by what you see in other people's successes, people's opinions, people's perception of you. You're so easily influenced that you shut down. You give up. You are not consistent. How do you fix that? What does that look like? In summary, I would say that you need to learn to value your own story. Value the path that God has you on. Understand that your path is unique. It is not supposed to look like everybody else's that you see your timing, your success, your achievements are not supposed to match the timeline of other people's success or achievements. You have your own unique path. God knows you best. He knows what to put in your path, what to take out of it. He knows the timing. The timeline of everything within your entire journey, to make you into who he needs you to be, and to encourage you to walk where he needs you to walk, to go where he needs you to go. When you learn to value your own story and see it as unique, To see your mission field as something that is not supposed to look like anybody else's, then you naturally learn to stop playing the comparison game to other people, to stop caring so much about what people think of you, and to ultimately shut down your issue with being inconsistent because you're just so easily influenced by the people in this world and the success that you see that they have. No, now you have tunnel vision. Now you're focused on your path, circumstances and all, timing and all, setbacks and all, blessings and all. Value the story that God is creating day by day for you, for your journey. God knows your timing. Stop lusting after other people's timing and therefore causing you to be inconsistent with your own. God knows best. I promise you he knows what is best for you. I feel like I'm preaching today. All right, let's move on to the third thing. The third reason why you could be struggling with inconsistency is because you're overloaded. You're too busy. Your plate is too full. What does God have to say about that? What came to mind for me as I was taking notes on this podcast episode, the topic of stewardship kept coming up, but specifically, stewarding your time. If you want to learn how to better manage all the things happening in your life that are making you feel overloaded or too busy, then you, my friend, have got to get good at time management. You have got to steward your time better. Remember that verse in Matthew 25, 23 that we talked about that says, you have been faithful with a few things, so I'll put you in charge of many things. This could also be in relation to your time and your faithfulness, your stewardship over the little time you feel like you have. If you are faithful over the little time that you feel you have right now, then you would be amazed. At how God will supernaturally make space, make capacity for you to feel like you have more time in your day to work on being consistent in those other areas of your life. Because you were faithful with the little time you feel like you have, so now God creates room. He creates space. As if you have more time to get consistent in these other areas. So you might be wondering, well, angel, how do I get good at time management? I don't understand. Okay. Well, first you need to sit down and pray about it. Talk to God about it. Then you need to come up with some sort of system for yourself, some sort of game plan. Think about the areas of your life where you're struggling and managing your time, managing your tasks. How can you create a game plan for yourself? Does that look like creating time blocks on your calendar to get specific things done on specific days? Does it look like theming your days to create structure? For example, on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, you're going to work on that project. But on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, you're focused not on that project so that you can work on getting consistent with your family or taking care of your body, starting to work out more, things like that. You need to cultivate your own game plan to get better at your time management so that you, my friend, can learn the beautiful habit of consistency. At the end of the day, my friend, God calls you to be consistent. He calls us to repetition, our ability to repeat certain things, to be consistent in certain areas. Now, why is that? Why does God call us to consistency? And this is really important, so if you can, please continue listening to the rest of this podcast episode. God calls us to be consistent because He knows how easily we can fall, how easily we can hide, how easily we can be hit by the world and the circumstances within it. He knows how easily that can happen. He knows how easily influenced we can be by the voices in this world, by people's perception and thoughts of us. And therefore, our flesh takes over, our fears take over, our inability to be consistent takes over. God is aware of all of that. But when we learn to be consistent, when we learn repetition God's way, It allows the Holy Spirit to rise up in us, overcome our flesh, take lead, and develop the habit within us to finally get consistent for good. Why do you think the Bible tells us, don't just forgive someone once, forgive them, hypothetically, 77 times? Why do you think the Bible tells us to not give up because eventually we will reap a harvest? Why do you think the Bible tells us to work with eager hands and to use every effort? It's because He wants us to have this beautiful habit of consistency His way, and to not allow the world to make us stray from that, to make us inconsistent. And the beautiful thing about this is that you have the power to change your reality. You don't have to remain inconsistent. That doesn't have to be your end story. No, you can change. You can change because you're allowing the Holy Spirit to help you change. Based off of everything that we talked about by implementing those specific solutions to the specific deeply rooted problems as to why you're struggling with inconsistency, this is the starting point. This is the process. You are kicking off the journey of learning to get consistent God's way. It is so possible, my friend. It is so possible. Now listen, I know that these podcast episodes, I mean, I hope that they have been good for you. They've been life changing for you. They've been renewing for you. That is my hope. But I want to take the time to say, if you're looking for more help, if you're looking even for more one on one assistance, encouragement, coaching from me, I got your back. We have an amazing online community called the Burnout Free Biz. Now, this online community is a safe space for entrepreneurs, content creators, and just general dreamers to build online businesses that honor both God and their mental health. Now, here's the thing. In this community experience, You get a lot, and I mean like a lot, courses, workshops, prayer calls, Q& As, tons of resources, and then most importantly, a community of other God empowered creative people in the room to help encourage you, to give feedback, to uplift you. And I'm the kind of person who's in this community that's engaging all the time. So if you want more one on one help from me, more guidance
Angel Marie:from me, and if you just want that overall empowering community, we're offering a seven day trial for free for you to access that, down in the show notes below this episode. So feel free to check it out seven days for free. If you want to stick around beyond the seven days. We'd love to have you. If not, that's totally okay. And I just hope to continue, helping you along your journey through these podcast episodes. All right, my friend, thanks for tuning in. We'll see you next week.